Tree Identification Walk for Beginners (Jun 19)
Sarah will be leading a tree walk near the McCarren Park Pool to teach folks some basics of tree species identification. Participants will learn how to examine leaf shape and arrangement, bark, seeds, and other features to ID common NYC trees.
Watering Kit Distribution (Jun 19)
Volunteers who have signed up to adopt a tree this summer can drop by McCarren Park (outside the pool entrance) to pick up their tree care kits! The kits include a Gator Bag for your adopted tree plus tools for stewarding the tree bed. If you’d like to adopt a tree this summer, please Join The Corps.
Watering Kit Distribution (Jun 10)
Volunteers who have signed up to adopt a tree this summer can drop by the Greenpoint Library to pick up their tree care kits! The kits include a Gator Bag for your adopted tree plus tools for stewarding the tree bed. If you’d like to adopt a tree this summer, please Join The Corps.
Watering Kit Distribution (Jun 8)
Volunteers who have signed up to adopt a tree this summer can drop by the Greenpoint Library to pick up their tree care kits! The kits include a Gator Bag for your adopted tree plus tools for stewarding the tree bed. If you’d like to adopt a tree this summer, please Join The Corps.