City of Forest Day with Greenpoint Public Library
Join Greenpoint Library to celebrate City of Forest Day, October 14th. Stop by the library for a Greenpoint Tree Bingo card and a bag of daffodil bulbs, while supplies last.
While you walk around the neighborhood identifying items on the tree bingo card, you may plant your bulbs in city street tree beds. You’ll learn about trees in the neighborhood and be glad your planted bulbs will the first sign of spring in 2024.
Tree Care with Big Reuse and Lincoln Restler's Office
Join Greenpoint Tree Corps, Big Reuse, and Council Member Lincoln Restler’s office for a morning of tree care in Greenpoint! We will pick up trash, cultivate the soil, and add healthy compost to tree beds. All supplies provided.
Tree ID + Environmental History Walk
Celebrate City of Forest Day by getting to know Greenpoint's trees!
Tree ID Walk + Happy Hour
Join us for a tree walk in McCarren Park to learn the basics of tree identification. You’ll learn to identify tree species by observing details like leaf arrangement, leaf shape, bark, seeds, and more. You’ll also receive a free tree ID guide. We’ll end the walk at The Lot Radio for a happy hour.
Volunteer Office Hours + Happy Hour
Join us for this online drop-in session for current and future volunteers of Greenpoint Tree Corps. If you’re participating in our adopt-a-tree program, this is a great time to ask questions or get support for GTC leaders Sarah and Acacia. If you’re just curious to learn more about the work we do to support Greenpoint’s urban forest, please drop by.
Register to receive the Zoom link to this event.
Tree Identification Walk for Beginners (Jun 19)
Sarah will be leading a tree walk near the McCarren Park Pool to teach folks some basics of tree species identification. Participants will learn how to examine leaf shape and arrangement, bark, seeds, and other features to ID common NYC trees.
Watering Kit Distribution (Jun 19)
Volunteers who have signed up to adopt a tree this summer can drop by McCarren Park (outside the pool entrance) to pick up their tree care kits! The kits include a Gator Bag for your adopted tree plus tools for stewarding the tree bed. If you’d like to adopt a tree this summer, please Join The Corps.
Watering Kit Distribution (Jun 10)
Volunteers who have signed up to adopt a tree this summer can drop by the Greenpoint Library to pick up their tree care kits! The kits include a Gator Bag for your adopted tree plus tools for stewarding the tree bed. If you’d like to adopt a tree this summer, please Join The Corps.
Watering Kit Distribution (Jun 8)
Volunteers who have signed up to adopt a tree this summer can drop by the Greenpoint Library to pick up their tree care kits! The kits include a Gator Bag for your adopted tree plus tools for stewarding the tree bed. If you’d like to adopt a tree this summer, please Join The Corps.
Tree Identification Walk
Hop into spring with Brooklyn Public Library and Greenpoint Tree Corps! The library is joining a number of community partners to bring a full day of programming to Cooper Park. Learn how to look at leaves, bark, berries, and more to identify the tree species at the park